Whipple Sticks"s damn good music moan

Do you feel like the average person seems to not have their own opinion on albums and bands? Feel like they don't actually listen to the music they say they like? Well here's some other poor bloke who feels that way. I'm here to take the shine off music and see past the preconceptions (and also probably drift off subject when I see fit). Read on and enjoy.

Sunday, 5 August 2007

Suffering from Sequel Syndrome

Ever bought an album just because the band's previous album was OK? I do, all the time. I kind of feel guilty because of it. It's worse when your expecting the album to not be too good.

Recently I bought 5 albums, 4 of them by artists I've had previous albums for ( even then the other one is Ziltoid the Omniscient by Devin Townsend who does Strapping young lad which I have all the albums for. ). I think that Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia by Dimmu Borgir is a genius albums. I then brought Death Cult Armageddon ( don't ask me about the album titles, most are 3 words that don't mean anything eg, Darkness Enthroned Triumphant, Spiritual Black Dimensions, Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia etc... ), still good but wasn't as good as Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia. I heard about In Sorte Diaboli coming out so I watch the single they previewed before the release of the album. Again the song just wasn't as good again as anything from the previous 2 albums. Coupled with a luke warm review I thought I won't bother buying the album. Just in the music shop and had a handful of new albums I catch an eye shot of In Sorte Diaboli and thought Balls to it and bought it. Sequel syndrome strikes! Yep In Sorte Diaboli isn't overtly interesting. It's alright but...

Thing is ( this is going to make this blog post a touch dubious probably. ) sometimes you're pleasantly supprised by an artist's new album. Bad Religion's new album New Maps of Hell is decent! Expecting the usual songs complete with an over zealous use of Let's go! or Whatcho!. Several songs just have an unusual twist to them but you still know they are Bad Religion songs. Before you die and Submission complete spring to mind. On the whole I was pleasently supprise by New Maps of Hell... they didn't even say Let's go! once!

See you next time.

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